The Mexico Mission! will be the third playable family show set in the world of the Company of International ARtists, a top-secret global creative agency specialising in art investigations.

This show will first tour Dorset Libraries in April 2025, supported by Dorset Community Foundation.

This show will feature the same core characters of Agents Kahlo and Dali (who also appear in our existing playable Company of International Artists shows The Munch Mission! and The Midnight Mission!

The art crime at the heart of The Mexico Mission! will be forgery, and will empower the audiences to actively investigate the art of Frida Kahlo, Tina Modotti and Diego Rivera.

The kernel of the show was sparked by usdiscovering that, to date, there have been no known female art forgers (which is interesting) and that female artists are still less forged than male artists, presumably because generally speaking art by women still tends to sell for lower prices (which is enraging).

The initial research and development week was supported with in-kind rehearsal space from Lighthouse, Poole in August 2023 as part of their Sanctuary programme. Read more about this on the Poole Lighthouse website.